The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER Died Help Wanted Male In Memorjam High Scores 289 Lost and ound MACHINIST WANTED? 1410 4)tlt St 268 Gets 268 Score to Legal Notices Cliff Delss Go Into Second Jacobs Scerba League non CASH SALARY 4 (I 007 4 fl 718 738 824 H93 WHEREAS the present crossing Is 078 739 701 004 690 83 tj 734 Die Makers SALESMAN WANTED irst class none others Hl 3 7() need apply jr loop THE GEOMETRIC STAMPING CO 30t! 13001 Taft Ave Die Makers of Grafton On Acme Electric Mfg RUNNERS 1444 Hamilton Ave i i Mil 874 973 827 Tommy WANTED Loan oj $200 at once security Mr Larsen 1887 00 three year loop and the American Steel 835 37b 477 478 701 813 871 092 805 501 488 31 1 887 834 1 103 M4 903 7 40 SII7 72S 1002 1)33 845 Switt Premium Bell Printing No Burn Blues Ripich Insurance Waibel Hardware A Martin Roths 882 83') furlongs Leyland) MURPHY 803 777 718 079 813 802 817 788 099 701 819 Sell featured the the Johns Man oil 7o8 875 804 983 954 the Amer a 213 215 with that the Home 808 801 787 872 1:16 4 5 Grenadier 759 757 911 85: 900 888 839 980 848 801 818 863 791 850 774 788 810 777 Horizontal Boring Mill Hand Wanted at once must be find class mechanic The Cleveland Punch and Shear Works 130G 40th St 782 811 970 885 860 779 918 912 Port 868 1022 850 811 768 7 10 Castle bowled 248 for the Motica Musics in the Boulevard wheel 585 704 747 879 811 715 709 853 591 7 24 Ace Leads This Contest Delss 838 786 840 609 730 663 708 fur 115 897 977 894 835 946 Sun 109: Gar 536 473 484 With car must be experi I eueed See Mr Winters Rudolph Wur iitzer Co 10311 Euclid 828 782 658 685 820 892 687 746 IRST lies 5 14 765 959 921 870 818 838 887 8s4 922 PLAIN DEALER PIN TOURNEY 903 840 748 842 1012 978 846 Rorig Tropical Oil Paint League 7 98 7 92 673 610 Leng709 Baumy and Cavanaugh hurled scries of 655 and 651 for the Whistles in the Brooklyn Catholic 651 ne 676 h25 7K6 71 Hardware five had a series PAYEVERYNIGHT Pleasant interesting work with bonus find chance for advancement to crew man agershlp for Cleveland district young men from 23 tn 3d nrr forred CALL MR LINDQUIST BOOM 60S WURL1TZER BLDG 1017 EUCLID AVE 8:30 TO 10:00 A "LONG DISTANCE MOVERS" Our Branch offices save you money Storage largest vans: insured 401 ULMER BLDG MAIN 70411 7 NIGHTS GLENVILLE 3864 GAS station attendant experienced only reference 10634 St Clair 4 tn fl tn WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 24 1928 MILLING MACHINE and BORING MILL HANDS Night or day work Apply employment dept 4623 Lakeside Ave His total for six games was He is a member of the Lake in the Home Works in the 873 809 92fl orest Team Team cant Team Team Team DRAPERY SALESMEN Thoroly experienced Apply employment office THE MAY CO SALESMEN (12) National outdoor advertising organization wants highest class men in Cleveland for permanent position experience in sellin advertising will help aejnaintance with business firms required 3800 Eu clid Ave Thur nr ri 0:30 to i Manufacturer of national prominence distribution high class merchandise equipment has opening for a real dueer satisfactory remuneration I ari aiiuHfi cnmniisrifin hnuis Reply giving full details as to past con nections and earnings married or singly telephone number if possible: cue ex perienced calling nn fleet owners and garage trade preferred Boxl9fil4 lam Dealer THE OSBORN MG CO 5401 Hamilton Ave Employment oilice open 7:30 A to 8 736 82 League 902 857 835 745 81 I 907 906 851 93n 914 CARSER David In loving memory of our dear son and brother who departed this lite oils year ago: Today recalls sad memories Of our dear son gone to rest And the ones who think of him today An: tho om who loved him best Relentless death among us cornea And bitter grief imparts It took the loved one from our home But never from our hearts MOTHER ATHER BROTHER SIS TERM and AUNT SALESMEN Sherwood orest Is fully improved includ ing paving and gas is ready NOW for building street ear and bus every 20 minutes past the properly Whv no sell something people want to buy? Come in and talk over financial arrange ments See Mr Ziegemeier or morningR THE SHAKER HEIGHTS 1MPRO MENT CO 1)06 Williamson Bldg SALESMAN The country a largest manu facturer and distributor of vanilla ex tract wants two men to take over tablished routes in and near willingness to work and follow instruct tions more essential than previous ex perk nce: good nay to start with fine chance for promotion Apply onlv 1 to 4 at 1454 East 17th alkins Co and and pro l7t hncia either salary and expense or RAPID TRANSIT MOVING SAVE MONEY to New York Chicago 27 Pittsburgh 30: Cincinnati 29 from Philadelphia 28 Wheeling 30 Colum bus Syracuse 31 EVergrcen 4600 970 851 822 760 842 913 Alleys should present and surrender the same with all unmatured coupons attached at the Main Office of The Union Trust Company Cleveland Ohio on or after November 1 1928 when they will receive the face amount of the bonds plus a premium of 2 To Interest on these bonds will cease on November 1 1928 THE UNION TRUST COMPANT Cleveland Ohio OC17 24 iscal Agent Engine Lathe Hand Must bo first class steady work premium system RELIANCE ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO 1088 Ivanhoe Rd 765 830 DRATSMEN Experienced in machine design or on con ddensere heat exchangers evaporators and dryers permanent position with good opportunities written applications only state full qualifications and send sample of work: personal interview will be arranged with qualified application STRUTHERS WELLS CO WARREN PA GRINDER OPERATORS Experienced on Cincinnati Machines MONMOUTH PRODUCTS 882 72d St MANAGER to run AVT W4MI An Ply Wednesday to 12 fl Mis Grant Ave A Ian Mary Dale JOO: One Way 112: Carlson playing with lean Steel Wires had 235 series Not content Carlson moved over to League and hurled a 222 191 241 se nes 1317 sides Wire circuit Help voureelf get work by Plwins an ad under sttuatlnn wanted ter one week th eoat is email LANDIS BORING MILL OPERATORS Unknown Allen H29 Glenville 618 RooseveltL Tv ruin A pud bl 652 Columbia No 1 K7K St Martin's bupertuc 7h2 St Casimers St Ladifila Columbia No 2 St St Martin's St Our Lady ot Mercy Hanan Euclld IHth Rose Printers Prompt Printers Newton Radios WhistlcB Lee Drugs ederal Trucks Cleveland Tabor Ice Creams No Bum Archer Tires S24 S2S 750 R2H 786 vno American Can Co League LAYEROUT Steel work Miff Co 37th St and Enn SALESMEN RADIO I have room for West Side salesmen who are aggressive and want an opportunity of making some real money this winter: only men with cars and who will work on a strictly ctynmissinn basis need apply 9 to 12 Mr Stein WOLE MUSIC CO 2112 EUCLID AVE Waibel of 2903 in the Euclid 13th loop Harper was high with a series of 618 sic Hankinson rolled a 626 series for the Swift Premiums Kibler Clothes five topped the league leading Van Swerfngen team by scores of 914 977 978 Ballas helped the Ktblers with his 626 Pallay with the losing team had 625 Bates had a series of 638 Bates is with the A Martins mother of of Minnie Gibbs end Richard rasca at home until Wednesday Leimkuehler Nor 6722 ranklin Oct 24 al 2:30 Laurel Results RACE twflvMrnld maiden fit ALTITUDE 1 15 (G ield?) $680 S4R0 $440 PROGENY 115 (E ator) 81550 S1060: LIDO 115 (E Ambrose) $710 Timo 1:07 2 5 Bon Voyage Golden Anger PouleRose Smith (a)alry Ring LevityJubilee irst Thought Valier Gal air innm i ravercnce (a)Samuel Ross and SECOND RACE olds and up 1 SOUND 117 STORAGE Special Terms Rates LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING ESTIMATES URNISHED CALIORNIA CONSOLIDATED SHIPMENTS Th'c Central Storage Co RAndolph 0057 Nights EDdy 78H2 1 Merman pride of the Davidsons Wear in the Broadway 55th Alleys had a 626 series including a fine 252 game Boy Griebel turned in a fine score for the Barlag Dry Goods five Griebel rolled 255 in his second game This was in the Cosmopolitan Loop A The Economy League had some fine scores Pastor and Moran both with the Congress Caps had series ot 235 180 220 and 188 221 210 re spectively Art Cruck Biberstein Billiards had a 253 game William Schwartz hit the pins for 646 He is with the Baker Hy Grades in the Denison Alleys division In the Krauss circuit Bop had 634 with his high spot a 236 game 897 851 915 979 864) 868 Van Swerlngen League Unknowns 1)88 891 Kibler Clothes 911 977 Latonia Results IRST RACE claiming two yeir olds fillies 0 LINDA AIUTIER Ill CNavetta) $876 $4 90 $344 BONI ERN loti (W Kero) S3 74 $294ROSEHUE 197 Romwier) $464 Time 1:18 Ellen Adair McCar thy Never Tell Chocho San ConflictJane Hare Zulaa Zoe Princess Donna Sporting Maid also ran SECOND RACE chiming three year olds fl GOVERNOR PRATT 106 (R Zucchini) $1340 $542 $438 SMOLDERING 112 1 rank) $436 $364 KEEPING TIME (A Abel) $5 10 Time 1:10 2 5 Mickey Keith Edith Alice also rati THIRD RACE claiming three year olds up mile and 70 yards ANIK 109' (W Kern) $572 $376 $231 WIL LIAM PENN 108 (L Canfield) $374 $252 COL SHAW 107 0 Hardy) $228 Time 1:17 2 5 Enthusiastic Ed ward "Brood Axe also ran OURTH RACE two year olds i fur SANDY SHORE 112 (W ronk) S4o2 $302 $290 VESTA 109 (A Abell $424 $348: DONNA LIGHT 109 IK Moser) ii) an time Chatter Black Golden West Guard Billie Leonard also ran ITH RACE al! ages fl GOOD SHEPHERD Ill (J SS42 KUiS 5274: UTDCR 100 (L Canfield) $004 $336 MAR TINIQUE 105 Root) $274 1:15 Step Along Model Goldlva also ran SIXTH RACE claiming three year olds up 1A miles TORCH 112 Moser) $1842 $678 $362: VOLE 107 (I) Hardy) $304 $242 BORDER CHIE 107 (R Zucchini) $336 2:05 2 5 Two Pats Hopeless Angle Plane Gaines wood Scotland Yard also ran SEVENTH RACE claiming three year olds and up 1 1 16 miles ROCK CRUSHER 107 (W Pool) $782 $432 $350 COUNSELLOR CONNELLY 112 (A Abel) $494 $408 HIGH SKIP 107G Seabo) $368 2:07 2 5 Mercedes The Ulster Talequa Stone age Mary Carr Optimist and1 Bourbon also ran ield 932 9IL 871 851 Khvell Parker League Inspectors 808 Engineers 924 7H1) Marhining 794 842 Stores 795 1 901 Production 835 769 I Kozaks Kuhls Suluus Koehs Annen Huber SALESMEaN Who like outdoor work should be between 25 35 of neat and presentable appearance complete train given outside territdry if desired those who qualify will be well paid for what they do OICIAL SOURCE RECORDS 1120 Chester Avenue SALESMEN SALESMEN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Cleveland Detroit Columbus 408 Hippodrome Bldg ees 512 683 630 732 742 735 League 755 832 796 830 80') 850 951 857 960 859 850 League 7 19 701 754 71fl 849 806 League MACHINE SHOP OREMAN Must be np tn dafo on modern machine shoti practice and build Ing small automatic machines: in your own handwriting state vrmr xperirnci' age and salary expeef cd Box 28311 Plain Dealer Sea Story also ran Salubrla Stable entry claiming three year 1 1'1 PUGET tVnrVman) StllMtL $530 $3: TALLADEGA 107 (J Mc Govern) $820 $480: CHEROKEE MAH) 105 (R Russell) $350 1 :48 1 5Seacrest Uncle Al Artist Alex Woodllffe Rhyme and Reason Sub lette Plucky Pal Sonata Pop Bell also ran THIRD RACE claiming two year olds 6 PAGAN LADDIE 112 IE Watters) $740 $490 $410 SHASTA PEBBLE Ill (N Huff) $16 $10DO: BEGIN OVER 106 TA Coleman) $1250 Time 1:13 1 5 air Beth Jane Rine hart Prince Bozo Oncora Snr lbocEager Play Shepherdess Rapid Transit Sunny Port Nella also ran OURTH RACE claiming three year olds and up mile and 70 yards THE RESHMAN 115 (L Schaeffer) $1160 $190 $270: LINCOLN PLAUT 113 Harvey) $330 $270 INTENSE 102 (W Barrett) $240 1:44 Never more Purple Pirate Coekrill Upton Charles H1 Supersede also ran ITH RACE handicap all ages (I fur POLISH 116 (N Huff) $2090 $840 $120: OH SUSANNA 122 (W Garner) $46') $280: THE HEATHEN 114 (W Harvey) $270 1:13 Old Dutch Agitator Barbara also ran SIXTH RACE three year olds mile and 70 HOT TODDY 107 (E Watters) $830 $510 $320 REIGH OLGA 107 (0 ields) $1350 $520 MARSH VIOLET 102 fR Russell) $350 Time 1:43 2 5 Balke Cadet Charlemagne Bye and Bye Corporal Bratnablau also ran SEVENTH RACE claiming three year olds up 1 1 It) AIRY MAIDEN 1'19 (W Harvey) $710 $360 $250 CHANCELLOR 112 (R Russell) $360 $310: LE BEY 1 Hl ields) $280 Time 1 1 5 Maxlva and red A also ran ield Brooklyn Club Hoods Clutlilers 912 894'1040 1IIkn I lUHUVM Mio Bartunek Clothes 918 Brooklyn Buicks san 929 Suehnn League nenny Mores 71)8 Mason Co 959 Wlilsiley (mo Double Eagles $3f Morris Clothes S3 1 Tellings (forfeited) Jacobs Scerba League Sfll 884 873 908 7'11 No Naum Nameless TrnpILies ToeoscaJs Toeotones Elastlkntes Roofkotes 7:10 Mill Whites Rot 789 776 tty nalworth oundry (118 2 634 Canceling Section Sunnlv t)i viainn No 2 Cashier AMMant Bookkeppprs Mtinpv Orrif Di viwinn Masonic Plumb League North Star 694 79 711 70S 596 i i ostofflce inance League Wade Park League Tie LI On Garage 90S Builder Supply ueL107K Kremzat urniture 825 Edwards Butchers 762 SALESxMAN West Side resident wanted at cnee cart earn belter than SB) per week charac ter more esReniial than experience See Mr McLellen 9622 Lorain Ave 9 to 2 BUSHELMAN 4334 Warner Rd BUTLER Housework single references required Mrs Strong Gates Mill 32H CAB DRIVERS Winter business Is here NOW Do Luxe cabs are booking real money Apply Mr Underwood DE LUXE CAB CO Canvassers BRA STORAGE LAKEWOOD 3800 LOWEST STORAGE RATE VERY LOW PRICE on load from New York City 25 Boston 25 Chicago 1 to Buffalo 26 Pittsburgh 31 PACU? TWENTY SIX HUS PINS OR ffl MARK IN PDPINTOUJINEY A A No 1 564 502 Brooks Co League Railroads 59 Bookbinders 623 Lithographers 692 ompositors Visualizcrs Pressmen A Veterans Elks outlaws Bearcats A Buckeyes Deuces A StrikAP Live Wires 830 Denison League Bakers Hy Grade 873 VttlUch Grinders 757 Jilerts Beverage 836 Just Printers 870 Kraus League Broadway Buicks Yue Barbers airdeal Realty aha rd a sb era Union ed Insurance 978 Quality Cleaners 836 Boulevard league Motica "Music 93ti Lucas Meats 898 luckeye Bottlers 8681 ieobs Undertakers 853 Kish Pharmacy 825 Barovac urnitures 746 i PeirMh Councilman 795 Bibel Builders 83: Boulevard Alleys 789 Moreland Theater 853 Lincoln League Lincoln Alleys 883 Hose Robbln Coal 890 Kruschin Und fl 18 Wischmeier urn Und 839 Economy League Stechttieyer Restaurants 887 Abrahamson Jewelers 830 Blnberstcin Billiards 1002 Congress Caps 959 Wadsworth League GoW Medal Creamery 875 KrCfjr Meats 813 Clot jlsnd Canada Nav i27 Dandv Pretzels 907 Mllert Beverages 1'13 Vess Dry 850 WRIST WATCH Lady's while gold: (banneey" at Latin Stadium Sat Oct 20 keepsake: reward LAke wood 5012M Lady's white gold octagon shape block strap Wednesday vicinity of Hanna Theater reward GAr field 6653 WRIST WATCH Lady's white gold with tan bone wrist band: initials Thurs morning REWARD YEllowstnne 1225 WRIST WATCH LOST White gold ini tmla in or near Allen Thea ter Sun reward EDdy 1507 WRIST WATCH' Platinum liberal reward for return 1259 I'uion Trust MAin 7260 LOST at rayed or stolen: yellow Persian kit ten months old: from 2977 East Over look: Sat child's pet reward Afr mount 4591 Beauty Parlors 826 A Osborn Co League 941 074 Two great scores were bowled last night in the Plain Dealen pin tour ney Rorlg leading pinsmith of the Tropilaca put the new Tropical Oil' Paint League in the spotlight with his tally of 289 This is the highest score rolled so far this season Cliff Delss smacked out a 268 for the Plumbers team in the Jacobs Scerba loop Delss had a great series of 650 This puts him in second place in the contest Nine more leagues joined the A They are Postofllce Brooks Co Interclub Wild Wood Club Roger Williams Co Masonic Square Ma sonic Plumb Masonic Compass Ma sonic Trowel This brings the total membership in the A over the thousand mark The record for league membership is 1263 and pres ent indications point to a record breaking list this year Last week's prize winners in the Coca Cola bowling' tourney were announced yesterday In the major leagues Al Lippert of the Wads worth loop won first prize with his score of 179 Buddy Suehan who had rolled a 278 in the Euclld 13th League took second money while third place honors went to Dovey Kraus circuit who scored a 277 In the minor leagues Bazur of the Winton Engine League rolled 276 to capture first place Brown National Carbon Plant walked off with second money by bowling 257 Chess Clark Lodge of had a score of 253 to win third place irst prize is $7 second place is worth S5 and $3 is given to the third place bowler The Rialto Bowling Alleys 2715 Jay Avenue joined the Alley Owners Association A series of 638 by evening's play for ville League Empire Results IRST RACE claiming two yesr ojds Ollie 51e SHERWOOD 104 (W Long) 12 to 1 fl to I 3 to 1 LYDIA 104 (A Paseunia) 5 to 1 (i to 2 MORE JUSTICE 109 Stevena) to bj Gn cdy Girl tay Domiilatia Eatrlle Marl( Marlnf tte Highland Maid Mias Onlnn Happy Honrs Zelnia onnal Clatter Scwie Apvaal also ran SECOND RACE claiming throe year olda op I 1 ltl PRATTLE 109 (O 5i 1 to 1 fl to 1 3 to 1 HIGH l3 IM Gamer) 4 to 5 to 6 LOVEKEN 1(14 (A Tryon) 3 Io Time 3 5 Sen Hawk Turf Queen Devlner Support Rock Light Shasta Grafton Vice Phillips lrat Always Dry Toast lighty rank also ran THIRD RACE handicap fnr all ages fl INDIAN SCOUT 12(1 (J Burke) 9 to 10 1 to 4 out BANDY 112 IL McAtee) 4 to 5 1 to 3 STEPHANU8 110 (J Malben) 2 to 5 1 09 2 5 Gamptmini Dlgutis Pygmalion also ran OURTH RACE two year olds about fl JUSTINIAN 122 (A Paseuma) 13 to 5 even I to 3 OESEL 114 I helsay) 7 to 10 1 to 4: HOLIDAY 110 IM Gamer) fl to 5 Timo 1:09 3 5Moraitn Uliatford John also ranAdded starter ITH RACE claiming three year olds UP 1 mile and 70 yards VACATION 115 (A Pascumul 11 to 5 1) to 10 2 lo 5 LASS O'GOWRIK 110 (1 Burke) 5 to 2 fl to 5: GADALONG 115 (J Malben) 4 lo 5 1:44 3 5 My Son t'lcar cnee Black Bart Dancing ool ive Oaks Parting Ways also ran SIXTH RACE for all ages maidens about fl ANNAPOLIS 105 (J Malben) 5 to 2 even 1 to 2: GRIIN 1(5 Moon) 5 to 1 to 5: LAURIE 105 (A Pascuma) 7 to lo 1:10 Black Patricia Whtskalox Night Mall The Din per A Weil L'nclu Marlin Pinafore Mademoiselle Mary Slow Poke Mvsllclsni thicsal Chesty Bill Bedford Prince also ran Hawthorne Results IRST RACE claiming two vear olds Hawthorne course THISTLE STAR 112 Ilnn nlhl 11 i EVELYN 107 I Jones) $622 $531 IMMERNOI'H 112 (1 Pannalee) $0(18 4:22 3 5 Empty Glass otilla Guys Image George Terry Robtna Seth Gunga Dm Brake March WindMuzzle also ran cewkwa vmvnu rvAi ridininiK inror yrar nltls im Hawthorne rouriuj ROYCR'T ER 113 (E Shropshire) $1096 $478 $304 BALL GEE i 0(1 (L Jone) $692 $454 HITTER 111 (C Allen) $534 Time 1 20 1 5 Lady Partridge Her An swer Davinct Seventeen Sixty Ramble Marjory Seth also ran THIRD RACE claiming three year olds up Id 'CAPTAIN HANfcY 111 III innerty) $112 1 $1262 $55t: IN a mi i s' i oaig i Vsiviiiai i iiq SPHERE 111 (K Horvath) $576 Timo 1:512 5 Bolton 'Queen Royal Aurnus rontrow Blue Torch Huey air Catch Mollie Dear Secrecy also ran OURTH RATE two year olds Haw theme course CAPTAIN 115 (C Allen) $1036 $65(1 $130 DJINN 1 115 (E Warden) $528 $430: MISS PEARL 112 (E Shropshire) $558 Time i uiiiniu Moderation niew Away Paul Hirtcnslein Call Roper Thistle Coot also ran ITH RACE claiming three car olds up lk mll JOY HALL JU (J Soiir lockl S19ll Sa All S'17K WACKH DRIVE Ill (J Bollero) $502 $421): MoNTANARO 99 (L Jones) $460 Time 1:52 Two Dans lorida Gold Mace don also run SIXTH RACE claiming three year olds ni 1 A BUSY LASSIE 99 Hal bert) $576 $342 $21'2 JIM BRIDGER 102 (H Rl' e) $616 $13'1 IRST MATE 100 (J O'Malley) $106 Timo 1 :53 4 5 Ted Healey Play Hour Mau dale Pompous Chief Sabatlus also ran SEVENTH RACE Claiming three year olds up 1A JUNIORS NURSE Ui't (J ravens) 826 $1388 $832RED HOT 10(1 iL Jones) $1042 $582: COLONEL ('AIIH Joi) Warden) $1051 Time 1:514 5 Lady EleanorNow Donna Santa Kiitli Gold Shasta lapper Tlnsllo Glad Open ire One Way Segrave also ran ield Hawthorne Entries IRJT RACE clainihur thrcc year oMs up Hawthorne cnune Anita lOflIn Dentdip 102 Royerofter 109 John 109 Santa Sweep J02: Dandy 111 Bottoms Up 109 Honev lh 110Geonre Groom 109 I Davif 110 Drcana Lef? 102 SECOND RACE three year olds np 1 1 10 miles Bond 100Shasta Belle 100 Current 107 Captain Lawton 105 BuHon 107Swoop 1o7: Clarence Thnma 107 112 Marie Blanche If U0 Sweep Nt 1114 VIHXlf I Ht rnHtlR i(L4 eiiirin pi Red Pennant 107 THIRD RACE all areg Hawthorne onure Baby Gar 103 Imrrfd 1OK iaia 99 Lady Lanta 7: Pronwtneas 90 Quick Return 100 Lillian 87: Char niarlen 107: Gerfalcon 102 OURTH RACE handicap Iwo year oldH Hawthorne course War Time 100: Littlefvp 110 Haymaker 103: Golden Trail 163 Windy City 112 Tinder JO 1 ITH RACE claimim three year okh UP 1 mile and 1 fiirlemr 9bHelen 97 Alloy 113 Truo Bov 109 ire Chief 105 SIXTH RACE claiming thre? year old UP 1 140 miles Royal 97Marabou 10o rightful T(7 Gov ernor Seth 103: Behave 107Azov 107 107 Princely 103Bill Cohrtovo JOO: air Catch 10 1: Carln 105: Colonel Carr 107 Abo Treanr0r 112 Rock Candy 107 Sphere 112 SEVENTH RACE clahnln three vear olda 1 146 113: Open CI1 fxO 1 1 4 Ui ouui yo 'UUttJr OCIIOOI I Baby 100: Pukir 101 'Bill Sethar Away 98 Scot 98 net Apprentice allowance claimed Weather cloudy trar muddy Laurel Entries IRST RACE claiming maiden year olds 6 furlnnsrs San Sauce 103 Lynn Haven 108: Woodburn 117 (a) Bozo 108 Sewanee 105 lul 100 Island Lad 111: Blade 'Ill: Coloneln Daughter 105: K)3: High Mier 114 Agnes Wynn 105: Tom Kanty 108 Vtmont 103 AIbo eligible: air Jimmie 108 (a) Domineer 108 (a Sagamore stable entry SECOND RACE claiming three year old tin 114 Wampee 107 All' 101: Rim 112: fmmolator 112 Ambition 109 Ronhia 109 Carter 110 Cook 112 Parchesl 112 THIRD RACE claiming three year olds up 6 furlongs Cheramy 121 Lasaa llo Landlord 112: air Anita 108 Prompter llfl Manuscript 105 Lac tarms 107: Rundale 103: Beetle 106 Tetra Glass 117 AU Blue 103 OURTH RACE two year olds mile pail 103 ortunes' avorite 108 riar Miff 100 Marine 110 (a) African 113 The Nut 10(1: Twink 116 (b) Coin Col lector 108: Sporting Grit 106: (a) Dr reeland Ufl fb) Sun Broom 108: Ned 119 (a) Walter Salmon and It rr Wilson jr entry (b) Sagamore Stable ITH RACE tliree year olds lip I A miles Gaffeman 116: Victorian 114: Recreation 108: Display 120 Crusader SIXTH RACE claiming three year olds In miles Nit Evens 112 Tcmeraire 110 'Brush 107 'Anaconda 107 Watch The Time 112: Rockslide 112 SEVENTH RACE claiming three year olds up 1'4 miles Leger 110 "Judge Caverlv 1 i): Wheat Stick 112: Inlaid 100 Kevdet 107: Irvington 112 Capt oicvmwwi uaiiorni jih Apprentice allowance claimed Weather cloudy track fast Empire Entries IRST RACE two year olds about 0 furlongs Anna 107: Grey Hawk 110: Essare 110: Upset Lad 110 Stern Chaser 110 Tho Blonde 107 SECOND RACE claiming three year olds and up mile and 70 yards 1 Discovered 111) Knock About 120 Pot Luck Mate 115 Royal Lot 120 of Prey 115 115 Beowulf 1 lo tltincrant 113: Miss Maryland 1 7 Pd Whtfhnm lift? 1 1 9 Wedding light 120 THIRD RACE claiming handicap all ages mile and 70 Ncalon Kav 118Gun Royal 1115: Joe Marrone III 119 Comet 112 Gear 106 OURTH RACE claiming three year olds up 1 lfl mile Klnkajou 115: Ceylon Prince 115 Bclmona 107 tBlue Darter 108 Bigot 110 Shannon Shore 115 Groat Hopes 110: Torpolnter 107Dubric Grand Bey 112 Biener 105 ITH RACE claiming mile and 70 yards Architect 126: Rock Thom 126 air Rowena 123: Turf Idol 126: Le high Valley 120 tCrimdus 119: Shasta Grafton 118 Intrepid 120: K'aptain Mar tin 111) Bello Gold 11(1 Bunny kins 12H Golden Lux 121 SIXTH RACE two year olds maidens 514 Sin Cuidado 118 Safety Pin 115 Golden Rock 118 Warren 118 Castilian 118 Wildare Ila The Dipper 118 Black Diamond 118 Tipperary II 118 Conjuror 118 Rest 115 Hldo and I 10 ive pounds allowed Seven pounds allowedWeather threatening track fast Latonia Entries IRST RACE three year olds up 6 longs Semmola 112: Mint Toddy Blue Granite 115 Kid 107 Drastel la 112: Jane 112: Miss Lee Cup 104 I)r Sisk 110 Waiter HO Indian 110 Miss Smarty 109 Also eligible: Dark Angel 112 Sesqul 112 Parole 11 115 Hogan 112 Turn Over 112 riend 110 SECOND RACE all ages maidens 8 fur Jem 103 Kittle Scout 103 Hi ram Kelly 103 Matt 103 Hurstland 103: Lucy Young 100 Joy 100 Panwaw 103: Margaret Adams 11)0: in uh 103: Low Shoes 100 Happy Hanly Also eligible: The Show Off 1 13 Galloping Dawn 110 Lady JtiK 110 Deep lllv 103 Nineteen Sixty 113 Dare Devil 103 THIRD RACE claiming two year olds mile Way 91) Lynn Barkley 107: Sweep Maid 107 ace 102Georgia Ilerget 99 Mies 09 nam iuz uenic rit tut 102: Ravenrock 107 OURTH RACE claiming MECHANIC'S Boring mills grinder Iiihes Millers planers toolmaker Nations! Metal Trades Association 1157 Union Trust nlUCT wp flllies and tnarru fl Loh 116 Loud Speaker 106 U7 hrols A Inc aiu i i WcideL 106? of Ilurh and Minnio (nee Naylor) file ITH JIACE clalmlnr three vear olda I tr of Helm Sunday Oct 21 uneral up 1 A Wolf 113 Whlekarm I aervleea at rcHtdrnce 19715 razier 106 riar Mint lit: Royal Ron 101 4 Hrlve Rocky Riven Wednesday Oct McCulloch 110 Good Shepherd 111 at 3 tn 'AT90RB beloved husband of wr Lillie (neo Towers) father of Eliza linrsA i "i1 obhJr K'' l'7! rnh belh' wnl nd Edgar Monday Oct 22 LlU? VI1' 9 nl 9:20 at Til residence 1455 son in 'rite E' W11' 73d' Mineral Thursday Oct 25 from 05 I St Paul' Church Chardon Road at 9 SEVENTH RACE claiming throR year I a 108 'VELAND Carl beloved busband 100 High lit) Oregon ir 108 on of Charles and Respond 110 Chatson 11(8 The South V1 'Pr Anlla Cleveland and Mrs w111' Tangram Palmer uneral riday 2 162 Lothario 103 Also eligible Pa from Koehler Parlors 1966 Betty Ihix lot) JlcKltn 108 Jini Bauw I 82d Street Inlet incut Lake View la 105 I Cemetery' PPrenlj allowance claimed I James husband nf Augusta Wt allier clear track alow I lather nf Donald Lois and Mrs Arthur Miller passed away Tuesday Oct 21t 2 i in uneral from late residence 10218 Avon Avenue riday Oct 26 Notice of Intention to Incorporate The SIRA STATE BANK IGABERDIEL Mrs Elizabeth sister of th i Ik nrv Steinbrenner of Cleveland August we tne undersigned hereby give Steinbrenner of ort Wayne lud mother notice in accordance with the provl 1 Mr Anna Sundblon of Chicago 111 Dions of Section 710 43 nf the nrneei Henry Gaberdh 4 Mrs Maud Knight and oh mrs waiter Valllere ot i leveiand run i VOuC Oi Unlo of our intention to in rrnl Rerviem from Lpimkuehlr NororoHti 1 corporate a Bank under find nnrmt uneral Home 6722 ranklin TlonlPvard ant to the laws of this state in h'ltl tcU 25' ce0111 Wlt? "tatue ln Buch HAWKINS Sarah beloved wife of Obed case made and provided mother of Lester Obed Jn Mrs The name of the nronoaed ron Daniel Harvey Robert bank is tn ho Th Alb' rta and tho late Perry passed mrXm Spira State away Oct 21 at 4:30 a in Remains The proposed bank ia to 1 Slaatny uneral Home 113)5 Kin be located in tho City of Cleveland 10 held County of Cuvahoua Ohio 1 nurmias hl THIHD Thn Ill LD Elmira sis'er of Jerry Van Aukcn nwtu iiie amount of the pro Tuesday Oct 23 uneral Walter posed capital is to be Two Hundred Hamel's uneral Home 11)13 82d Thousand Dollars ($200 000 00) street Thursday Oct 25 at 2 trnimru re I uneral private noHwl loco? anieS he Pro" Harold Mmirton husband of Mar incotporators are: I jurie erguson son of Addin Hines HENRY SPIRA 11428 Cednr Wrl Monrovia California riday Oct Cleveland Ohio cj ti ria a fam I iho rnuay ut A' 2745 I aneAShlre William ags fl years beloved Rd Cleveland Heights Ohio of and Helene Kendric: by ac SPIRA 11498 elilent uneral Wednesday Oct 24 at Cleveland Ohio UU Cedar rom claPel HARRY LORBER 10938 Olivet Adclbert 10708 Parkhurst Ave Cleveland Ohio Drive beloved husband of Katalin fa LEONAnn ten toon mi "'r cf Steven and Helen ud LEUINA1W I OLDY airport nly uneral Wednesday Oct 24 Ave Cleveland Ohio from at 2 Burial In witness whereof we have here WMt Pirlt unto affixed our Hie nntnra tkte ooa Lyle beloved husband of Bur dov rf 8 neUet tueo Church) suddenly Oct 21 day of October A T) 1928 I Services at Wade Memorial Chapel HENRY SPIRA Gnko View Cemetery Wednesday Oct 'POTIP Anna beloved daughter of John i H1LI1 SPIRA and Catherine (drceaBcd) sinter of LEONARD OLDY rank (deceased) John Ciiarh Emil HARnv TAnriwn Joseph and Mrs Stella Pekarck panned nr HAURY LORBER 1Way 0(t uneral Thursday Oct 0 25 from late residence 5212 Doljnff Resolution 'Prnvliln Hoad Services at Our Lady of Lourdes a I "3 vnuren at a in ntennent ua provement of the of East vary Cemetery riends invited Rood with the Tracks Of tho Emmet Moved son of i St I Railroad In Horen 'd Mary (neo Waldron) age 19 Ohio in uerea brotllPr nf jim nard Mildred Ethel ntc rr nrrA Waldron and Patrick passed away Oct I3L IT RESOLVED by the Board 23 residence 1825 Treadway Avenue of County Commissioners of Cuvn riday Oct 26 Our Lady of hoga County Ohio that lt WHRAS lu a2te! MORSE Marv I loved wife of Wlllahl vvuLlthAh it Is desirable and ncc of 15ft5 Stro Passed essary that The Cleveland Cincin nwiy Oct 21 at 6:30 at residence nati Chicago St Louis Pnliu Pen Ices at ut b's uneral Home rnmnsn T7 0U 13 railway Crawford and Wade Park Wednesday company construct an additional Oct 24 at 1:30 Burial Paines main track across East Road to pro (illlc' vide proper access In connection with OAKLEY Alfred 1 axe 51 at Ids resi the facilities in The rinvninnrt rr deneo Thompson Geauga County Tormtm 1 Cleveland Union husband of Loulso Onkl son of Mary 3 nnd Oakley brother ot Clifford Lawrence WHEREAS the present crossing Is William and Martha Oakley uneral by means of separated grades where lUihvav Contnv 5 er VIJ gi tl 1 i tjlKll'H (H llgt vutH pt" is a ill I said highway auppdrted upon steel Mrs Barth Robert and Charles girders upon masonry abutments (1 a ana dencn 319) 97th Strict umrM WHEREAS ft is proposed to con frnrn Thurwhv Oct 25 nt 2 struct one additional main track for p' Iluri''1 Bt P'ir the nnrnoso nfnresaM 0RR Sanford beloved husband of (Jarno (nm Marc) and rather ot i iar from tne existing northerly track ence and Gladys passed away nn Mon THEREORE BE TT PttqnT Wn (lay evening at hf rt Aidcnre 1577 Crest that the existing subway under the WK tracks of the railway shall he Im Kocld uneral Home 1966 821 proved and extended at the expense el at Euclid Avenue of and by said Railway Company bv Walter beloved husband extending the abutments northward Auhur nd ly and adding to the superstructure Onrar at hi rcMfhnrr 2933 32i a pair of girders to support said ad Street Tuday Oct 23 uneral ri ditionnl track focat ed 1 TX wHh and 13 feet center to center from the Mr Hallie uneral scrvl res existing northerly track all as shown will be held at the home of Mrs Me on the plan Exhibit 3 dated Cincin Queen 1K38 Wymore A venue East Clove nati Ohio August 25 1928 filed with rA v'L and mnrlrt no im VAN DhLLEN Lawrence age 54 beloved a 0 made a part of this resolution husband of Marg an father of Carl 1 he under clearance line of the gir brother of rank Daniel Georsre Jamca tiers shall not be lower than that of AUxirt and the laic Ito nawwi away tha rroconf 23 ftt 2 ft HJ fit 1118 UtO TIUenCC Kaders 2579 Canterbury Road Cleveland The footings of the abutment ex Heihts Remains at tho William Ab4 tensions shall be carried to such Sons Co uneral Home 15317 Wicild zinritk hi 4 i i Avrnuc mmr Shaw wb re depth as will permit of the lowering held riday Oct 20 at 2 of the grade of East Road to a level rance (noe Gibbs) bc Hiin tne present top or rail of the iwo wire of iiaroia track of The Cleveland Southwestern Railway Light Company ClMm and litre Lout The north wing of tho west abut 1478 107th Strei ment shall be removed and said ex tension of abutments built in accord 1 Boulevard fence with said plan Exhibit 3 Qnlrl OAmn'inv Ho I Ain CTarV ru nsp nnnn (Un dnmnnrf tire ario Sunday Oct 21 beloved wife nf Pcnse upon acmanil tne the late William Webster mother of County Commissioners and under Misses Ndl and Lila Mrs Carl A Black their supervision and at such time and the late William If Webster all of as they shall have fixed the grade of IL vi'efi A) East Road to conform with the pres Smiies at family hom*o Wednesdiy Oct ent top of rail of The Cleveland! 24 23() i in Southwestern Railway Light Com Teofej age 51 suddenly0 uM Sunday evening survived by three ptiny shall furnish the necessary daujrhtnw Mr Alnhonw Paderewski labor and material to lower the grade No 11 Oakwood Drive Bedford of said East Road and the approach Mrs rank Milter 9427 Gaylord Ave choirr nue Cleveland: Eugenia Kathryn Wit thereto from the west on Sheldon kki of Oakwood Drive Bedford Road to the grade bo fixed and to uneral riday Oct 2t at 9 a restore the surface thereof witli a from Holy Name church 8328 Broad surface equal in width and character hnaperscop to that now existing on said roads Lodge Notices BE IT URTHER RESOLVED thit upon the completion of said Masquerade Ball bridge structure same shall be main Zimmerman's Hall 19300 Euclid Ave talned by and at the expense of said Saturday Eycninx Oct 27 8 The Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago TtekMte person St Louis Railway Compay and be it further resolved Personals Business Notices that said Railway Company he and it hereby is granted the right to Everythin that Is good and bard to maintain and operate said additional vuncmv CTBPIT track upon and across said East ISUlforjKi olUUa Road upon the completion thereof In IncludlnK Dutch bulbs peonies (finest ya rlelics) fancy evergreens flowering accordance herewith and shrubs ornamental trees BE IT URTHER RESOLVED rpTir'KAIDMATIMT that this resolution shall be in full JL fl Ju UL force and effect upon Its passage and xtr QUD I UQ the receipt of the acceptance of the i iVOHIxll iO terms and provisions hereof by said At North Woortlanu and Hramard Roads The Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago (Go east on Cerlar to Brainard then south to North Woodland while air St Louis Railway Company by its mount Blvd in boinir Unproved) Chief Engineer of Construction pro Nirwry phone WAshimfton 1390 Reel vided however that said improve gCEdai "81 Top Herilllrtere win uo nuujtn viic of roadway between tne anutmenis of said improvement by such pro ceedings and upon such apportion ment of cost as may be authorized by law and at such time as may be ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County Ohio On Motion of Commissioner Zmunt seconded by Commissioner ischer the foregoing resolution was duly adopted Ayes: ischer Harris Zmunt Nays: None Resolution adopted OC17 24 LOUIS SIMON Clerk To the Holder of 6 irst Mortgage Sinking und Gold Honda of Site of ort Dearborn Building Corporation (London Guarantee Accident Building): Notice is hereby given that under and pursuant to the provisions of the mortgage from Site ot ort Dear born Building Corporation to Illinois Trust Savings Bank Trustee dated May 1 1922 securing the above bonds there have been called for payment ana redemption on the tirst day of November 1928 out of moneys in the Sinking und $2680000 prin cipal amount of the above mentioned bonds numbered as follows: GRINDERS APPLY EATON AXLE SPRING CO 739 140th St GRINDER HANDS External and Internal maehln The Al metal Universal Joint Co 1555 55th No No Nlg Scotty our Way Lock Kelvinalor Harvard Briiua kornowski ndertakrrs 804 leet Studios 795 Staron Motors 710 Goh! Bond Dalvfl Varieties Unknowns Stannic Plumbers MadiHon Auto Trucks Carrull Dentists Broad way 65th Wear1hlir Brothers Bartunek Clothes Vyhnal urnitures Mikes Kalal Alika Cleaners Rnadway 55lh Bills ruit Market Cosmopolitan I Baria? Dry Goods Mooney Sports 821 Eilert Beverage si fi Gabel Malta OtJ 1024 1016 Tropical Oil Leeague 849 884 SALESMEN Men with or without experience you ati earn money while learning a definite plan for securing prospects and making sales LARICK CHEVROLET CO 87') 152d SALESMEN Hlffb grade to call on business men non competitive article should earn $15 to $20 per day ALLAMAN 904 Swetland Bld 1 DRESS SALESMAN With good estab lished territory willing to connect with rood dress house Box 4342 Plain Dealer DRIVERS TAXI New cabs good pay See Edward Osborne 823 Prospect Room 419 ENGINEER wanted Hold experience Apply enway Hall Hotel MILLING machine operator machine operator Yoder Walworth Ave MULTI COLOR PR ESSMAN irst class i operator who thoroughly under stands this type of printing press must n7frr nct Investigated Room 3tH H1 ACTORY mechanics die and toolmakers flat scrapers and fitters metal pattern machine erectors vertical and horizontal mills American Plan Employment Dept 4 14 Superior West ORD mechanic A must have author ized ord service station experience no other need apply Sec Mr or Mr Dice at the Homeier Motor Co S7H Market St Akron URNACE SALESMEN 808 152D ST EDDY 0X02 COOK AND You ran help vourself yet work bv placing an ad to ran In the situation wanted column for one week the cost Is small COOK Short order 1132 Eu did Ave co*k Short order Zahler Lunch Kinsman CREPE paper window trimmers: must have car reply sivimr ape married ref erences and salary indndinp car expense Box 23)30 Plain Dealer CYLINDER pressman experienced on high clap work 1125 Rockwell Ave DENTIST Good small town: everything modern Box 12844 Plain Dealer DIE cast die makers and pernmld makers experienced only Pioneer Rubber Mold 4007 Detroit LEARN TO LY WITH JACK STINSON A complete course including METEOROLOGY and NAVIGATION" Winter classes starting November 1st day and evening Write or visit our office for information on 50 hours solo flying without additional coat visitors wel come Office open evening It DOES make a difference who Instructs you STINSON SCHOOL AVIATION 1217 Terminal Tower 123(1 ANY city In California tn larpe private redans faro $45 one way any city In lorida $30 one way we will also list your car for passengers Travelera Motorists Bureau 2440 Euclid PRos pect 3130 Open evenings ui i til 8 ENROLL now as member in the Beniarr Marfadden Physical Culture Health Bureau nnd receive complete home train ing eoRts only few cents a day pay as you go Box 29938 Plain Dealer DETECTIVES absolutely reliable AUTO shadowing advice free: reasonable rates coast to coast Hi IX Ulmer Bldg MAIn 3(M)2 nights KEnmore 0970 The Richards Bull Co PRINTERS MAIN 7577 113 ST CLAIR VULCAN BLDG DETECTIVES BARRIS WAGNER INC Autu shadow miwhiK person detecta Phones all other wurk low rates 1122 Superior MAin 6119 I a to 9 in ON and after this date I will not be re sponsible for tebts contracted hy any other than myself ROY MOORE 4207 Henritze Ave GUARAN'i'EED permanent marcel or 2 for $5 finger wave 50c marcel 25c 1 Rosedeer 737 Prospect GENTLEMAN driving down east coast lorida this week will take you for $25 Boulevard 042fl WILL gentleman who phoned lady Mon day regarding auto accident call her again MONTHLY statement and audils written up and accounting advice given: reason able rates Call Evergreen 2388 PARTIES seeing accident on Cedar Rd hill 11:30 12 a Oct 22 Call Airniount 8943 A GOOD dancer 111 3 private lesson for $5 Kempf's 1699 25th MAin 5098 MASQUERADE coglumes rent Rattsh er 9703 Larmier Ave Evergreen 1872 PIES AND CAKES MADE TO OR DER KENMORE 1880 BLOESiNGER DOLL HOSPITAL Doll Renal ring J7IJLJS 2'th st' Patents trade marks 1332 Engineers Bank Bldg MAin 3075 OP ATORS 4 OR TURRET LATHES SCRAPERS AND ITTERS irst class good wages bonus American Plan Employment 1 Dtffit 411 Superior West Metal Apply Ohiu Pattern Works 1519 38tli PHARMACIST Apply 4 and 6 ni oiilvr or holiday rk HessterCo 1219 Prospect Ate amateur On JblISr 'department prefer sue who caii fniT work and give full particulars as to past cxperi cxi'ucd B)r ulcliey rW operators road Call Mr Goodell Hotel Cjllsv rLATEN Milter and Kluge Wilinet rintim Co Elyria barber shop experienced iaHI Broadway fm1 barhur shop and bilhardrnm 81 tl Dough Aw PRESS EEDER(S1h Afr vrk Aphly Parly Aeorn Printing Co 2573 Sum rior Ave RADIO SALESMEN New radio More ha an opening for 10 men to sell nationally advertised radios: 1 want men between the ages of 21 and 30 Mim pxpcrienw required: wo me be iWt Kadm Taylor Rt Ckveland Hrightn RADIO SERVICE MAN Must he experienced in all makers nf sets: have own car and meters Bennett Radio Service 1407 cnu*tant Ave Lakewood wouth if Detroit Ave BAG EmhroidarM rontalntnr keys nnd other valuables on Middlehurat Rd lihera) reward Airniount 53 14 BROOCH LOST Set with seven diamonds and ring set with six diamonds con tained in a small favender silk parse Inclosed in a black leather case both valued as keepsakes very liberal reward finder please make every effort to return Airniount 0392 from 9 a to 3:30 or write Mrs Wall Hudson Ohio BROOCH Diamond crystal plat i num pin broken off liberal reward 1259 mon Trust Bldg MAin 7290 CASE Black containing negligee nnd gown blue on East Cleveland car REWARD EDdy 429K COAT LOST Dark red trimmed in black box hy poor working girl ra want Arnold 1503 M5 797 7m 'I League 710 57 73S 7fl2 71 1 Brown Hoist League (kist RU5 btanuaruM MH General Office 725 nuogu Conveyors Wreckers SUPERLUOUS halr deRtroved Mrs A Carrnil 1903 105th CEdar 2721 BATH alcohol rub electric trrrnments by appointment RAn dolph 1390 SWEDISH massage bath electric cabinet 1 to fl 1 2S4 1 (5t 1 1 CEdar 00 BATHS end massages bv Chicago graduate Olive Hall RAndolph 4H4Kl HOT baths and Swedish massage Misa Lawson operator RAndolp 2300 BATHS oil rubs electno treatments 10 to 7 171K 79th Sufic 4 BATHS and hot oil rubs 39'17 Prospect Willard Apt Hotel Suite 419 Cement Brick Work DRIVEWAYS enmont flag 2(1 years' ex nerienre Barber EDdy 5918 CEMENT MASON WORK slag ail kind of repairing GArtteld 2215 1 I CEMENT work call JOHN RANKIN EDdy 0854 EatabltRlted since 19 1 2 Contracting Repairing COMPLETE building service remodeling repairs anywhere low rates Hesse 702 113th EDDY 3187 GENERAL repairs and painting low rates guaranteed work Boulevard 31 1 5 LOHRS scraped bv machine reflnishing reasonable EDdy 9241 5 LOOR scraped bv machine finishing reasonable WAshlngton 1730 REMODELING repairing of all kinds: low rates McIver KRnmore 0490 SALESMAN High grade man for local concern flnan cial arrangements and details discusred at interview appoiniment CHerry 229 SALESMAN Salary commission basis: non competitive article sold on approval with easy payment plan Call Economo Devices 1420 25th SQ Good proposition: calf 2 to 5 Richards 3601 155 ROOING TINNING WALLING ATLANTIC 3690 Educational STUDIO TUTORING University woman A teaches Latin English rench mathematics expert preparation for college entranon elementary to college courses for adults convcrsafional rench class funning 7338 ucl id A vp PEnnsyl vania (H 20 ENGLISH lessons to foreigners fierfitz method LAkewood 2047 Moving Storage Packing Help Wanted Male ADVERTISING salesmen 2 in protected territory exceptional financial arrange ment uilh responsible applicants The Indoor Billboard Adv Un 1430 Wil Hamsorv Bldg Mr Wh ij 9 lo AUTO body and fender repair man: must be first class steady work good pay Ronco Body G92H Carnegie DIEMAKERS 1RSTCLASS MEN ONLY INDUSTRIAL TOOL CO EUCLID AVE DIE MAKERS Must he A 1 on nniaH work only first class need apply 283! 63 Prospect Ave DISHWASHER White experienced 9110 Kinsman Rd Experienced 11928 Lora i 1 1 Ave DISTRIBUTORS or fast novelty no selling for all cities outside of Cleveland Mr Meard 1101 Hippodrome Bldg POLICE DOG emale 10 months black with tan markings name vicinity of Euclid 1 15th St Re ward Pho ne GArflel 0004 PURSE Small black inner purse contained bills on Enflid 14ith car about 0 Oct 22 young lady please return liberal reward an ia 12 95 NECKLACE Pearl 3 strand ri evo ung rowan! EVergrcen 2031 RINGS Sat evening in East Endr Heights 2 diamond rings tied in handkerchief very liberal reward CEdar 2800 RING LOST Chinese yellow gold initials in white gold downtown vjcimtv reward MAhi 8300 Line 7'0 RING LOST Wedding Initialed Lee reward 1040 78 Apt 19 SHAWL White valued as keepsake on the 5:30 car Lorain to Cleveland EVrrgrccn 2111 TIKE LUST 3 1x5 mounted on disk run between London Rd and I) boat: reward 'Mills Co Wayside Rd KEm nore 1 1 00 WATCIaND CHAIN White gohl mitialR at 4100 Turney Rd reward lor information or return Mrs Stanton CHerry 1050 CLERK Help voursel! vet work by plac ing an ad to run in the situation co) umn fnr one week jhe coat 1 Email CLERK Hotel: night: with references Box 1 9031 Plain Dealer COLLECTION salesmen New company just opening highest rates 410 Sloan SALESMEN High grade for millinery line financial ar fcJ rangementu and details discussed at in terview Box 30841 Plain Deah SALESMEN for product of unusual merit every user of a hot air furnace a proa pect no competition full commission paid promptly 308 National BldgZ 1 104 9th I Call 1 1 2 or 4 6 31 SALESMEN Can use 2 wide awake men experience not as necessary as willing new to fniinw tntriiriion good rnnr tunitv for advancement Apply before noon 1454 17th Street SALESMEN 525 and liberal bonus both' conditional to start repeat trade ow ch tablished routes permanent connection 1227 Prospect 404 SALESMEN im AUTO REAL ESTATE SPECIALTY Sell radio gfod proposition Apply 10 to 1 poati Electric Pn 871 3 Superior SALESMEN Help vnurl vet work rV nlarina an ad to run th ituUh wanted column 1 lie Jr small SALESMEN day Mfing KEY'LOrK $100 a week ev no mMPETn KEY LOCK 5713 Euclid rp yeiand SALESMEN Cativnsfr: Palhidic nrc fprred Room 207 Sloan Bldg 8:30 to 10 a (Continued on Ntt Page) COUNCIL BOOK Thurs evening vicinity Gray's Armory: reward Captain McCarthy CHerry 8975 (2) beagle bounds Maple Heights black white tan kennel li cense No name on collar libera! reward Bedford 110 fl DOG LOST Police male wolf gray color license 11501 vicinity Auburn Ave and 14th St reward Call ATlantlc 3784 or ATIantic 4769 DOG German Police 1 year old Call RAndolph 1449 or 1222 70 St reward DOG BEAGLE PEPPY black while brown vicinity St Clair Hayden reward Ott GLmville 4322 DOG LOST White long hairM female Snmnyedc Call Aimumni 3038 Reward DOG White Spitz: Mavfleld Plain field Jtdsjrowa rd Airninnnt 8531 OXlfOUNDS our the property of the Chagrin Valley Hdnt Club: a dog hound nnmbetWleft ear 4 II right cm bitch number left ear 1 1 right ear bitch: number left ear 21 right ear and a tan and white bitch blind in one eye Anyone know ing the whereabouts of these hounds kindly notify George Travels huntsman Gales Mill Phono 35fl KEYS LOST Brown leather key talner Call EDdy 198fl after fl PIN Diamond bow knot near or at 3854 Prospect Ave riday after noon re ward Return to 385 4 Prospect PIN LOST Sorority star shape Kappa initials on back reward Airmnunt 7423 AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN 2 expvriemwl men In sell th popularNASH "400" a aood propoaltion to th rigid men WACHS NASH MOTORS INC £5 3308 llfltb St st Kinaman BARBER COLEMAN OPERATORS Apply EATON AXLE SPRING CO 739 140th St BARBER Italian wTiTeare for shop ex perience not" necessary good money 4OOO 89 BARBER with folluwinr to rent space in downtown beauty parlor Box 5842 Plain Dealer BAIlBER iret class for ladies' liilr eultinir only Naso Beauty Shop 2635 105111 BARBER tlret class Apply at 12300 Mayfield Road BLANCHARD Grinder hand first class for night work COWLES TODD CO 208rt IjlHh Help yuuraelf get work place an ad to run in the situation wanted column the com 1b email BOYS 18 to 21 neat Apply 8 a ready for work Mr Pickens 1101 Hip podronie Bldg BOY IS years old for general work in nunic Htoro Call 10 to 11 a ni 1S72 25th BOY for drug store fountain experiencereferences 2201 Central HARVEY MOVERS NEED Load to or from Detroit Toledo Coliint bus 8404 Madison EVeryreen 2471) WANT return load from Now Haven New York or en route: Vj price by 30th 2826 Carroll ATIantic 2295 CALL WOOD PRospect 0401 large and small vane hour contract free estimates SUPERIOR Transfer To CHerry 2277 Package delivery trucking service MOVING $'2 hour or contract 'urge cov ered van Roadway 2046 REE MOVING TO STORAGE MAin 7396 DETAILS Evergreen 0433 STORAGE "Groat Scott that's Service" RAndolph 6121 6422 CAREUL work guaranteed $2 hour large vans lyer Mover GArfield 5813 LOADS from Buffalo Rochester Syracuse tn Pittsburgh RAndolph 3142 $10 moves you anywhere day or nieht large enclosed vans EVcrgreon 469'1 Painting Paperhanging GENERAL painting decorating low prices fast service Evergreen 2002 PAPERHANGING also WALL PAPER Call ABBOT! EVergreen 1959 It PAPER HANGING A 1 work reasonable rates: quick service Airniount 91)10 EXPERT paper hanging 25c to 35c a roll: also wall paper RAndolph 0051 fl tn Help Wanted Male ADVERTISING men or salesmen on a special 725 idelity Bldg 8 to 0 a or 5 to 0 918 012 037 773 H54 sfll) 792 1)55 8 44 841 808 930 888 917 935 7 45 OOfl 890 87 8 850 827 813 877 798 eague Tigers Osfl 762 White Sox 819 723 Pirates 828 735 ubs 788 764 Indians 873 820 Browiia 703 795 Nickel Plate League Engineers 397 4fl2 Car Service No 1 435 431 Local reight 502 453 A 545 498 A A No 2 "489 484 Car Service No 2 508 513 Nickel Plate League Gompt 501 501 095 721 705 693 962 8fl5 904 855 849 938 740 894 877 860 890 983 905 928 825 8S3 911 893 8 1 6 870 RS9 836 770 9ii3 845 913 84t 890 911) 890 904 764 795808 794 793 861 904 791 872 888 905 1)98 938 963 891 967 912 892 820 804 887 865 940 1013 I 930 94 fl 80') 819 l48 13tt 920 854 825 812886 023 Nos 351 769 1609 2183 2658 374 1206 1743 2238 3044 520 1407 1820 2467 3055 644 1416 1850 2616 764 1443 1870 2627 of the denomination of $1000 each and Nos 34 292 502 668 144 467 581 ot the denomination of $500 each and Nos 134 571 667 of the denomination of $100 each The holders of the above bonds.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.