Research Highlights | Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld | AI Tool Successfully Responds to Patient Questions in Electronic Health Record (2025)

As part of a nationwide trend that occurred during the pandemic, many more of NYU Langone Health’s patients started using electronic health record (EHR) tools to ask their doctors questions, refill prescriptions, and review test results.

A new study entitled, “Large Language Model–Based Responses to Patients’ In-Basket Messages,” co-authored by NYU Stern Professor Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld, NYU Grossman School of Medicine Professor William Small, as well as other researchers at NYU Grossman and NYU Tandon, shows that an AI tool can draft responses to patients’ EHR queries as accurately as their human healthcare professionals, and with greater perceived “empathy.” The findings highlight these tools’ potential to dramatically reduce physicians’ burden while improving their communication with patients, as long as human providers review AI drafts before they are sent.

Additional study authors from NYU Langone were Devin Mann, Beatrix Brandfield-Harvey; Zoe Jonassen; Soumik Mandal; Elizabeth R. Stevens; Vincent J. Major; Erin Lostraglio; Adam C. Szerencsy; Simon A. Jones; Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs; and Stephen B. Johnson. Oded Nov in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering is also credited as a co-author.

Although physicians have always dedicated time to managing EHR messages, they saw a more than 30 percent annual increase in recent years in the number of messages received daily, according to an article by Paul A. Testa, chief medical information officer at NYU Langone. Dr. Testa wrote that it is not uncommon for physicians to receive more than 150 messages per day. With health systems not designed to handle this kind of traffic, physicians ended up filling the gap, spending long hours after work sifting through messages. This burden is cited as a reason that half of physicians report burnout.

NYU Langone has been testing the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (genAI), in which computer algorithms develop likely options for the next word in any sentence based on how people have used words in context on the internet. A result of this next-word prediction is that genAI chatbots can reply to questions in convincing, human-like language. NYU Langone in 2023 licensed “a private instance” of GPT-4, the latest relative of the famous chatGPT chatbot, which let physicians experiment using real patient data while still adhering to data privacy rules.

Published online July 16 in JAMA Network Open, the research examined draft responses generated by GPT-4 to patients’ queries, asking primary care physicians to compare them to the actual human responses to those messages.

“Our results suggest that chatbots could reduce the workload of care providers by enabling efficient and empathetic responses to patients’ concerns,” said lead study author William Small, a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. “We found that EHR-integrated AI chatbots that use patient-specific data can draft messages similar in quality to human providers.”

For the study, 16 primary care physicians rated 344 randomly assigned pairs of AI and human responses to patient messages on accuracy, relevance, completeness, and tone, and indicated if they would use the AI response as a first draft, or have to start from scratch in writing the patient message. It was a blinded study, so physicians did not know whether the responses they were reviewing were generated by humans or the AI tool.

The research team found that the accuracy, completeness, and relevance of generative AI and human providers responses did not differ statistically. Generative AI responses outperformed human providers in terms of understandability and tone by 9.5 percent. Further, the AI responses were more than twice as likely (125 percent more likely) to be considered empathetic and 62 percent more likely to use language that conveyed positivity (potentially related to hopefulness) and affiliation (“we are in this together”).

On the other hand, AI responses were also 38 percent longer and 31 percent more likely to use complex language, so further training of the tool is needed, the researchers say. While humans responded to patient queries at a sixth-grade level, AI was writing at an eighth-grade level, according to a standard measure of readability called the Flesch Kincaid score.

“GenAI drafts are a double-edged sword: they are surprisingly competent and, contrary to the stereotype of impersonal machines, they are good at conveying sensitivity. But they are not a panacea,” explains Wiesenfeld. “At least in the short term, if they are longer and more complex to read they could actually add to workload,” she warns.

The study was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation.

This article was adapted from a piece written by NYU Langone Health. See the original publication here.

Research Highlights | Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld | AI Tool Successfully Responds to Patient Questions in Electronic Health Record (2025)


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A new study entitled, “Large Language Model–Based Responses to Patients' In-Basket Messages,” co-authored by NYU Stern

NYU Stern
Stern School of Business (also NYU Stern, Stern School of Business, or simply Stern) is the business school of New York University, a private research university based in New York City. Founded as the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance in 1900, the school received its current name in 1988. › wiki › New_York_University_Stern...
Professor Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld, NYU Grossman School of Medicine Professor William Small, as well as other researchers at NYU Grossman and NYU Tandon, shows that an AI tool can draft responses to ...

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Care Quality and Safety

EHRs can improve patient outcomes. A 2022 study in the Journal of Healthcare Quality found that hospitals that had fully implemented EHR systems had 18% lower mortality rates than those that had not. One reason is that EHRs help reduce medical errors.

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  • PROMOTE PORTAL. Send e-blasts to patient base, and also advertise portal on your practice web site and other online pages, along with in-office signage to meet Meaningful Use requirements.

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Communication of information in an EHR may be hindered because interoperability is inadequate within components of the same EHR or from the EHR to other systems. In one case, clinicians couldn't access laboratory results for a hospital patient from records held in a different part of the hospital.

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Impact of EHRs on Care
  • Improved Patient Care.
  • Increase Patient Participation.
  • Improved Care Coordination.
  • Improved Diagnostics & Patient Outcomes.
  • Practice Efficiencies and Cost Savings.
Oct 5, 2017

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7 Benefits of EHR Systems
  • Improves Quality of Care. ...
  • Increases Efficiency. ...
  • Boosts Patient Engagement. ...
  • Reduces Medication Errors. ...
  • Enhances Data Security. ...
  • Enhances Data Accessibility. ...
  • Saves Money.
May 15, 2023

How do electronic health records improve patient outcomes? ›

Electronic Health Records
  • Reducing the incidence of medical error by improving the accuracy and clarity of medical records.
  • Making the health information available, reducing duplication of tests, reducing delays in treatment, and patients well informed to take better decisions.
Sep 6, 2023

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Kenneth G. Adler, MD (2007). He organizes the key factors of EHR implementation into three categories: team, tactics, and technology. ...

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Some of those EHR security features are:
  • HIPAA and HITECH Compliance.
  • Audit Trails.
  • Data Encryption.
  • Password Protection.
  • ONC-ATCB Certification.
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4 Phases of EHR Implementation
  • Planning and selections. Before starting the EHR implementation process, you should create an EHR implementation plan. ...
  • Adaptation and implementation. It's important that you prepare your staff to transition to an EHR system. ...
  • Optimization and workflow redesign. ...
  • Data migration and training.

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Top 10 EHR Implementation Challenges
  1. 1 Cost of Implementation. It is no surprise that EHR implementation is an expensive affair. ...
  2. 2 Staff Resistance. ...
  3. 3 Training is time-consuming. ...
  4. 4 Lack of usability. ...
  5. 5 Data Privacy. ...
  6. 6 Data Migration. ...
  7. 7 Limitation of Technical Resources. ...
  8. 8 Interoperability.
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Excessive information in a chart, or “note bloat,” may impair comprehension, leading to potential errors. Studies show that physicians spend nearly twice as much time documenting in EHR than they do interacting with patients. This is a source of frustration for physicians, but may also compromise patient safety.

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Major Threats to EHR Security
  • Violation of access privileges. Both morbid curiosity and malicious intent can stay behind the actions of some staff members who use their access permissions in the wrong way. ...
  • Fake authorization. ...
  • External network mismanagement. ...
  • Human factor mistakes. ...
  • Hackers and viruses.
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In the context of health IT, meaningful use is a term used to define minimum U.S. government standards for electronic health records (EHR), outlining how clinical patient data should be exchanged between healthcare providers, between providers and insurers and between providers and patients.

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While EMRs offer substantial benefits in terms of accessibility, cost reduction, and improved patient care, they also bring challenges like potential information gaps, security concerns, and integration issues.

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1 Reduce errors and improve safety

HIT standards can also support the implementation of clinical decision support tools, such as alerts, reminders, and guidelines, that can help health care providers make better decisions and avoid errors.

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EHRs are a vital part of health IT and can: Contain a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results.

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Personal health records ( PHR s) can help your patients better manage their care. Having important health information – such as immunization records, lab results, and screening due dates – in electronic form makes it easy for patients to update and share their records.

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The EHR flags each critical value for clinical staff, making notifications simpler for nurses. The EHR also helps clinicians determine when to repeat a lab test. Another way an EHR improves treatment and clinical outcomes is by reducing the number of duplicate tests and improving overall efficiency.

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Many EHR platforms help to streamline processes such as scheduling follow-up appointments, sending patients reminders about upcoming appointments, and even facilitating medication refills by transmitting information to the patient's pharmacy.

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